Pineview Farm Rules and Information
All boarders and guests must submit a signed Waiver of Liablity to the Pineview Farm office. The Waiver of Liability is to be renewed annually on January 1st.
Boarders and Guests shall refrain from any behavior that may lead to damage to property, animals or people.
Guests are the responsibility of that border associated with them. Educate your guests on behavior expected in a commercial barn. Refer to Pineview Farm rules if needed.
Boarders will be charged for repair of damage to Pineview Farm property which is caused by themselves or their horses.
Insurance of personal property while at Pineview Farm is the responsibility of the owner of that property. It is recommended that all personal property be labeled.
Boarders are responsible for the clean and neat appearance of common areas such as aisles, wash areas, tack room, restroom, bedding, feed and hay storage and hay delivery areas, etc.
As necessary, boarders are responsible for clean out of drain traps in the wash areas. (See "Water Matters")
See specific headings for additional information.
Riding Instructors, including guest instructors, are required to carry Liability Insurance. A current copy of each riding instructors's insurance is to be submitted to the Pineview office.
Lessons are permitted on horses stabled on the property.
Lessons on outside horses are not permitted without prior approval of management.
Guest students are required to sign a Waiver of Liability to be filed in the office prior to lessons.
Smoking is not permitted anywhere on the premises
6:00 a.m. through 9:00 p.m.
Exceptions such as sick horses, late arrivals/departures, or recreational activities are permitted with advisement and approval of management.
After 8:00 p.m., the last boarder to leave the farm is responsible for closing the entrance gate for the night. Second entrance gate closest to the barns is to be closed after use.
5 M.P.H. - Drive slowly for obvious safety reasons.
Parking is restricted to graveled area behind the older barn. No parking in front of the older barn.
Park in a manner allowing an open clockwise passage around the older barn.
Park to allow easy car passage in front of all barn areas.
Overnight parking is not permitted.
Monthly space rental is required. No partial month rentals.
Horse trailer parking begins at the southeast side of the gravel area behind the older barn.
Trailers must park perpendicular to the #3 paddock fence and far enough out from fence to allow the lawn mower to pass (greater than 4 feet).
Children less than 14 years of age are not to be on premises without adult supervision.
Children less than 14 years of age are not permitted in the hayloft.
Children under 14 years are not permitted at the lake unless accompanied by an adult.
Dogs belonging to boarders or guests must be on a leash or confined at all times.
Cats are not permitted on the premises unless approved by management.
Boarding of Cribbers must be approved by management and must wear appropriate restraints at all times. Boarders with Cribbers are required to pay an additional fee per month. (See menu "Board")
Horses are to be contained in paddocks, in stalls or in hand. Horses are not permitted loose range in barn areas, rings, drives or yards.
Barn Aisles - Barn Aisles are to be kept neat and tidy to allow easy passage and cleaning. Each boarder is responsible for keeping his or her own stall area orderly.
Throwing waste water and sweeping barn debris outside of barn doors is not permitted.
Barn Doors - EITHER/OR
Barn doors must be EITHER closed and latched OR all the way open and in their door stop pockets. Less than this can make the door vulnerable to damage and a hazard to animals.
Tack Room - The tack room in the older barn is provided free of charge for the use of all boarders. Its cleanliness and neatness is the responsibility of all boarders.
It is only to be used for storage of tack (saddles and bridles). Tack boxes, grooming supplies, personal clothing or horse blankets are to be stored elsewhere.
Food is not to be stored in the tack room.
It is recommended that personal property be labeled.
Refrigerator - (If available) Ongoing cleanliness and neatness of the refrigerator is the responsibility of the boarders using it.
Tack Trunks
Each stall is permitted one tack trunk in front of the stall. Other personal belongings are not to be stored in common areas such as hay drop areas, wash areas, restroom, etc.
Stall Fans
Do NOT place Fan Plugs in regular outlets. (See "Electrical Matters").
Stall Doors
Stall Doors must be EITHER/OR - Either closed and latched or all the way open and in the door stop pockets. A partially open door can cause injury to horses, persons and property.
Stall Windows - West side of older barn
Stall windows on the west side of the older bar, when opened, must be completely removed and stored for safety of horses and windows. This is the responsibility of the boarder of the stall. See management for storage location.
Stall for Storage, Tack or Feed
A stall for storage, tack or feed may be rented for the usual stall deposit and monthly stall rate. All stall storage is limited to items used in horse husbandry, such as hay, bedding, feed, muck tools, tack and tack trunks, etc. Excluded items include, but are not limited to, refrigerators, microwaves, heating devices, supplemental lighting or flammable materials. It should not be used for a general Store & Lock.
Grain Storage
Storage area for grain is provided. Grain must be stored in a securely closed container such as a garbage can. Fee stored in bags is vulnerable to dampness, insects and rodents.
Packaged bedding is used at Pineview Farm. Storage space is assigned by management.
Hay storage in lofts is assigned by management. Hay is to be stacked within the assigned space and in a manner that respects the assigned spaces of other boarders. Boarders are to keep the loft area, the hay drop areas and hay deliver areas neat and free of loose hay. NOTE: The boarder or someone familiar with the boarder's assigned space should be present when hay or bedding is delivered. After hay delivery, barn area and lofts should be cleared of loose hay, etc. NOTE: No feeding of hay in paddocks.
Boarders are responsible for the clean and neat appearance of the restroom area.
Boarders are responsible for custodial duties and maintenance of supplies.
CLOTHES DRYER (If Available)
Do NOT leave clothes dryer unattended. DO clean filter before each use. Do NOT tamper with vents on the restroom door. Vents allow the passage of air to replace the air which is discharged by the clothes dryer.
Absolutely no hay strings permitted in the manure pile.
Keep the pile compact, with the center path straight and even.
Fill in holes and smooth paths.
When using #3 manure lot paddock, each person must close the gate when dumping manure and when leaving paddock.
Keep area around the gateway to the manure lot and the gravel approach to the manure pile cleared for ease in handling horses and farm equipment.
Save your pastures. Horse behavior that is detrimental to well-maintained pasture, such as excessive running and pacing at the gate is discouraged. Two mud paddocks are available.
Horses prone to digging in lake should be contained in other paddocks.
Some paddocks are seasonally restricted.
No Feeding of Hay in Paddocks
Close all paddock gates. Whether or not animals are contained within rings and paddocks, gates are not to be left open. When using #3 manure lot paddock, each person must close the gate while dumping manure and when leaving the paddock.
Boarders are responsible for maintaining the edges of the riding rings by raking the footing toward the center as needed.
Entry gates of riding ring to be closed before, during and after ring activities.
Boarders may supply their own jumps. Jumps must be set in a manner courteous. to all riding endeavors. Periodically boarders will be asked to remove jumps for ring maintenance.
Swimming not permitted.
Fishing is restricted to boarders and their family.
Fishing by guests requires approval by management.
Children less than 14 years of age must be accompanied by an adult.
Fishing policy - catch and release.
All water is considered to be not potable for humans.
Do NOT throw waste water outside of doorways of barns.
Wash areas (3) to be shared by all boarders.
Traps in all wash areas must be cleaned as necessary and are the responsibility of all boarders.
Failure to clean traps will result in clogged drains.
Sweeping and pickup of solids will extend the time between clean out of the drain traps.
See management regarding trap cleaning procedure and tools.
Disconnect all wash area hoses from hydrants immediately after use in freezing weather. This includes the "Y" yoke hose assembly that blends the hot/cold water by the laundry tub in the wash area of the older barn.
Drain hoses to prevent freezing of water remaining in them.
Frost Free Hydrants continue to drain water remaining in the hydrant pipe for a few moments after water is shut off. Be patient and allow them to drain.
GFICs are electrical duplex receptacles with a red reset button which are installed in the barn. If electric power fails, reset the GFCI by pressing the red reset button. Duplex outlets that are downstream from the GFCI are also controlled and protected.
Dedicated circuits are provided for stall fans. Individually fused circuits are provided for each stall. These circuits are thermostatically controlled. When the set point temperature is reached, the power to the fans will begin. The stall fan circuits are individually fused to 200 watts in the interest of fire prevention. Fans can catch fire. Any fans not compliant with this format will be disabled.
Each fan outlet has an off/on switch for your convenience.
Please do not run fans when stalls are empty.
Extension cords are only for momentary usage.
They are not to be used for permanent or semi-permanent electrical power.
Violations will be confiscated.